Всюду, где есть пашня, всюду, где есть ум человеческий, должна быть книга.
Гюго В.



Emmanuel Schwartz

The Legacy of Homer : Four Centuries of Art from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris

Book Description From its founding in 1648, the Academie royale de peinture et de sculpture and its successor, the ecole nationale superieure des beaux-arts in Paris, were devoted to the Greek model. Mythology and poetry, along with the study of sculpture, were the foundations of academic teaching there. As a result, Greek gods and heroes were reborn in innumerable works by pupils and teachers of the ecole. This lavishly illustrated book explores the impact of the poet Homer on four centuries of French artists through the lens of the ecole’s superb collections of paintings, prints, and sculptures. The ecole was the most important venue for academic training of artists in Europe as well as for many nineteenth-century American artists who studied in Paris, including Thomas Eakins and John Singer Sargent. The ecole’s collections—which feature works by great artists who were first students and later instructors (Francois...
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Лучшие бизнес-книги 2009 года
Среди лучших - книги “Обнаженный бизнес”, “Жизнь на полной мощности”, “Муза и чудовище. Как организовать творческий труд”, “Mary Kay: Путь к успеху”.

Литературная премия 0Б@@Поляна 20120р
Лауреаты будут объявлены 10 октября, сегодня опубликован короткий список премии 2012 года: Юрой Буйда “Синяя Кровь” Евгений Касимов “Назовите меня Христофором” Олег Павлов “Дневник больничного охранника” Юрий Петкевич “С птицей на голове” Марина Степнова “Женщины Лазаря”
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