Все хорошие книги похожи друг на друга: они правдивее жизни.
Э. Хемингуэй



Donald Scarinci

Coin of the Year: Celebrating Three Decades of the Best in Coin Design and Craftsmanship

Krause Publications, 2015
For three decades, the Krause Coin of the Year Award has come to symbolize the highest achievement in international numismatic design, artistic vision, and craft smanship. Now you can celebrate this remarkable work in its entirety with Coin of the Year, a lavish salute to the winners of this prestigious annual competition. Featuring the obverse and reverse images of winning coins from the past thirty years, as well as invaluable collector information and back story, Coin of the Year provides a complete and impressive tribute to the finest modern commemorative coins in the world.
Категории каталога:
Монеты и банкноты


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