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Liv Spencer

Love Bites: The Unofficial Saga of Twilight

ECW Press, 2010
Centering on the Stephenie Meyer books, the cast of the Twilight films, and the dedicated fan base, this full-color tribute showcases all the pieces of the phenomenon surrounding the epic love story between a young woman and a vampire. Along with invaluable background information and insight into this star-crossed lovers’ tale, this essential fan bible covers everything from getting the series published to adapting the books for the screen. Bios of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and other cast members are also featured along with details on conventions, events, and Twilight crafts—this is truly a must-have companion to the supernatural saga for legions of fans everywhere.


Лауреаты премии [Ясная Полянаk за 2013 год
Номинация [Современная классикаk - Юрий Васильевич Бондарев (повести “Батальоны просят огня” и “Последние залпы”) Номинация [XXI векk - Евгений Водолазкин (роман “Лавр”) Номинация [Детство. Отрочество. Юностьk - Юрий Нечипоренко (сборник рассказов “Смеяться и свистеть”)

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