Книга - чистейшая сущность человеческой души.
Томас Карлейль



Sassetta: The Borgo San Sepolcro Altarpiece (Villa I Tatti) 2 volume set

I Tatti, 2009
Sassetta, the subtle genius from Siena, revolutionized Italian painting with an altarpiece for the small Tuscan town of Borgo San Sepolcro in 1437–1444. Originally standing some six yards high, double-sided, with a splendid gilt frame over the main altar of the local Franciscan church, it was the Rolls Royce of early Renaissance painting. But its myriad figures and scenes tempted the collectors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and today its disassembled panels can be found in twelve museums throughout Europe and the United States. To produce this landmark volume, experts in art and general history, painting technique and conservation, woodworking, architecture, and liturgy have joined forces across the boundaries of eight different nations. A model of collaboration, it opens new windows onto the creative process of the artist as he confronted a late-medieval church at a crossroad of cultures, the miracle-working body of a holy man, and a community of Franciscan...
Категории каталога:
Италия; Искусствоведение


Лучшие бизнес-книги 2009 года
Среди лучших - книги “Обнаженный бизнес”, “Жизнь на полной мощности”, “Муза и чудовище. Как организовать творческий труд”, “Mary Kay: Путь к успеху”.

Литературная премия 0Б@@Поляна 20120р
Лауреаты будут объявлены 10 октября, сегодня опубликован короткий список премии 2012 года: Юрой Буйда “Синяя Кровь” Евгений Касимов “Назовите меня Христофором” Олег Павлов “Дневник больничного охранника” Юрий Петкевич “С птицей на голове” Марина Степнова “Женщины Лазаря”
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