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Hans-Christian Adam

Eadweard Muybridge: The Complete Locomotion Photographs

English photographer Eadweard Muybridge was a pioneer in visual studies of human and animal locomotion. In 1872, he famously helped settle a bet for former California governor Leland Stanford by photographing a galloping horse. Muybridge invented a complex system of electric shutter releases that captured freeze framesproving conclusively, for the first time, that a galloping horse lifts all four hooves off the ground for a fraction of a second. For the next three decades, Muybridge continued his quest to fully catalog many aspects of human and animal movement, shooting hundreds of horses and other animalsand of nude or draped subjects engaged in various activities such as running, walking, boxing, fencing, and descending a staircase (the latter study inspired Marcel Duchamps famous 1912 painting). This resplendent book traces the life and work of Muybridge, from his early thinking about anatomy and movement to his latest photographic experiments. The complete 781 plates of Muybridges...


Лауреаты премии [Ясная Полянаk за 2013 год
Номинация [Современная классикаk - Юрий Васильевич Бондарев (повести “Батальоны просят огня” и “Последние залпы”) Номинация [XXI векk - Евгений Водолазкин (роман “Лавр”) Номинация [Детство. Отрочество. Юностьk - Юрий Нечипоренко (сборник рассказов “Смеяться и свистеть”)

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