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Эмиль Кроткий



Richard Brettell

The Robert Lehman Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Volume IX : Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century European Drawings (Robert Lehman Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Book Description Robert Lehman was a member of the first generation of American collectors to embrace what we call modern art. This lavishly illustrated volume catalogues 207 nineteenth- and twentieth-century European drawings that are now part of the Robert Lehman Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. More than three-quarters of these drawings are French, but there are also sheets from Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, and Great Britain. Most are from the nineteenth century, but Robert Lehman also acquired, in some cases from the artists themselves, a number of drawings made during his own lifetime. The catalogue begins with drawings by David and Goya, the two most important artists in Europe at the turn of the nineteenth century, and it concludes with a group of watercolors made in the 1940s by the painter Marcel Vertes. Among the French drawings are outstanding sheets by David, Delacroix, Ingres, Chasseriau, Corot, and Daumier. Drawings by...
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История моды. Костюмы


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После двух недель, прошедших после того, как Национальное собрание Франции 15 голосами [противk из 21 присутствующих депутатов отклонило в первом чтении закон о борьбе с Интернет-пиратством, лагерь противников этого закона накануне второго чтения (29 апреля) старается загодя укрепить свои позиции. В конце прошлой недели противники закона провели перед зданием Национального собрания свою демонстрацию.
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