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Carolyn Keene

High Risk

Aladdin, 2004
It looks like Evaline Waters, a River Heights resident, is knee-deep in trouble. A huge corporation is suing her for her land; they want to tear down her house and put up a warehouse. And documentation of the zoning law that would protect Evaline's right to keep her land is missing. Figures! I've got to find that document, but it's hard to focus on the land when I'm cruising at ten thousand feet. See, Ned and I are taking flying lessons, him with Colonel Lang, a friend of his family, and me with Frank Beltrano, an instructor at our local airport. It's a good thing I'm good at juggling more than two balls at once. Too bad I'm not the only one.


Лауреаты премии [Ясная Полянаk за 2013 год
Номинация [Современная классикаk - Юрий Васильевич Бондарев (повести “Батальоны просят огня” и “Последние залпы”) Номинация [XXI векk - Евгений Водолазкин (роман “Лавр”) Номинация [Детство. Отрочество. Юностьk - Юрий Нечипоренко (сборник рассказов “Смеяться и свистеть”)

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