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At Home in Renaissance Italy

At Home in Renaissance Italy draws together an impressive range of ideas and objects?from sumptuous paintings and textiles to kitchen utensils, popular prints, jewelry, and everyday dress?to reveal how the homes of the upper- and middle-lasses made a crucial contribution to the flowering of the visual arts in 15th- and 16th-century Italy. Drawing on a wide array of sources, including contemporary letters, inventories, and archaeological surveys, it offers a completely fresh and in-depth xploration of the fascinating domestic world of Renaissance Italy. This fascinating, innovative book is sure to become a key reference and visual resource for students of art and design, history and archaeology, and anyone with an interest in the veryday life and material culture of the Italian Renaissance.


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Русский Букер 2009
Кроме этого романа в финалистах премии были: Елена Катишонок “Жили-были старик со старухой” Роман Сенчин “Елтышевы” Александр Терехов “Каменный мост” Борис Хазанов “Вчерашняя вечность” Леонид Юзефович “Журавли и карлики”
> admin@bookantique.ru <

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