Во всяком деле лучше немного, но хорошего, чем много, но плохого. Так же и в книгах.
Лев Николаевич Толстой



Oliver Taplin, Rosie Wyles

The Pronomos Vase and its Context

The Pronomos Vase is the single most important piece of pictorial evidence for ancient theatre to have survived from ancient Greece. It depicts an entire theatrical chorus and cast along with the celebrated musician Pronomos, in the presence of their patron god, Dionysos. In this collection of essays, illustrated with nearly 60 drawings and photographs, leading specialists from a variety of disciplines tackle the critical questions posed by this complex hub of evidence. The discussion covers a wide range of perspectives and issues, including the artist's oeuvre; the pottery market; the relation of this piece to other artistic, and especially celebratory, artefacts; the political and cultural contexts of the world that it was produced in; the identification of figures portrayed on it: and the significance of the Pronomos Vase as theatrical evidence. The volume offers not only the most recent scholarship on the vase but also some ground-breaking interpretations of it.


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Сибирский банк Сбербанка России открывает возобновляемую кредитную линию книготорговой компании [Топ-книгаk. Размер кредитной линии составляет 40 млн рублей. Банковский кредит выдается под обеспечение товара в обороте [Топ-книгиk на общую залоговую сумму 42,25 млн рублей.

Сам себе Гутенберг
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