Много есть на свете хороших книг, но эти книги хороши только для тех людей, которые умеют их читать.
Дмитрий Иванович Писарев



The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume 2: From the Early Christian Era to the "Age of Discovery": Part 1: From the Demonic Threat to the Incarnation of Sainthood

Belknap Press, 2010
In the 1960s, as a response to segregation in the United States, the influential art patron Dominique de Menil began a research project and photo archive called The Image of the Black in Western Art. Now, fifty years later, as the first American president of African American descent occupies his historic term in office, her mission has been re-invigorated through the collaboration of Harvard University Press and the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute to present new editions of the coveted five original books and the anticipated first part of a new volume. The completed set will include ten sumptuous books in five volumes with up-to-date introductions and more full-color illustrations, printed on high-quality art stock for books that will last a lifetime. This monumental publication offers expert commentary and a lavishly illustrated history of the representations of people of African descent ranging from the ancient images of Pharaohs created by unknown hands to the works of the great...


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Русский Букер 2009
Кроме этого романа в финалистах премии были: Елена Катишонок “Жили-были старик со старухой” Роман Сенчин “Елтышевы” Александр Терехов “Каменный мост” Борис Хазанов “Вчерашняя вечность” Леонид Юзефович “Журавли и карлики”
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