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Turkish Art and Architecture: From the Seljuks to the Ottomans

The Anatolian peninsula, one of the oldest seats of civilization, has been ruled by a succession of great powers, including the Romans and their successors in the East, the Byzantines. Its Islamic era began in 1071, when the Seljuk Turks, nomads from Central Asia who had already taken control of Persia, defeated the Byzantine army at Manzikert and moved west, creating a new sultanate in Anatolia. The Seljuks were eventually succeeded in this region by the Ottoman Turks, who crossed the Bosphorus to conquer an exhausted Constantinople in 1453, and went on to extend their power far beyond the borders of modern Turkey, establishing an empire that endured until the early twentieth century. Ruling over a land that had always been at the crossroads of east and west, these Islamic dynasties developed a cosmopolitan art and architecture. As art historian Giovanni Curatola demonstrates in this insightful new book, they combined elements of the prestigious Persian style and memories of their...


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Роспечать ожидает падения продаж книг в 2009 году
Федеральное агентство по печати и массовым коммуникациям (Роспечать) ожидает падения продаж книг и печатных изданий в 2009г., сообщил руководитель ведомства Михаил Сеславинский в ходе расширенного заседания коллегии Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ. По его словам, если в 2008г. объем рынка печатной информации был "в небольшом плюсе к 2007г. и составил свыше 130 млрд руб., книг было продано на 117 млрд руб.", то в 2009г. в условиях кризиса уже наметилась тревожная тенденция. Так, под...
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