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Торо Г.



Beatrix Potter

The World of Peter Rabbit: The Complete Collection of Original Tales (комплект из 23 книг)

Frederick Warne and Co., Londo, 2011
This beautiful gift box has been produced to celebrate 110 years since the publication of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and contains all 23 original "Peter Rabbit" books. What makes this edition even more unique is that each of the books has a gorgeous new cover, specially designed endpapers and a publisher's note describing how each book came to be. This set of books contains the tales of all of Beatrix's lovable characters, from naughty Peter Rabbit himself, to tidy Mrs. Tittlemouse and unlucky Mr. Jeremy Fisher. Each tale, with its exquisite soft watercolour artwork, will delight and charm adults and children alike.


Лауреаты премии [Ясная Полянаk за 2013 год
Номинация [Современная классикаk - Юрий Васильевич Бондарев (повести “Батальоны просят огня” и “Последние залпы”) Номинация [XXI векk - Евгений Водолазкин (роман “Лавр”) Номинация [Детство. Отрочество. Юностьk - Юрий Нечипоренко (сборник рассказов “Смеяться и свистеть”)

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